Managing Culture
Next program starts January 2025!
What’s happening now
You are excited and proud about your company’s success and you love your team. At the same time, you know that each person could uplevel the way they work and produce even better results. You work with some individuals who are not taking enough ownership and others who don’t delegate enough. Some people who aren’t communicating productively, and it’s common that people aren’t as effective as you want them to be in all of the areas of their job.
Most importantly, you want to lead and work for a business that is human-centered, where every person is and feels valued, respected, and capable of contributing great work. And you want people to feel fulfilled in their job, including you.
If yours is like most companies, you don’t have a rock solid process to help you hire the precise people you need, or a system to support them improving their work over time–improved productivity, teamwork, results, and significant growth in and from each person…let alone yourself. Or, you’ve started the work of Managing Culture in your company and you are excited to continue, and take it to the next level.
It’s time to solve these existing staff challenges and scale your collective work capacity and satisfaction.
What’s needed
A thriving company work culture can drive your impact and profits even further. Group bonding and fun celebrations are fun. though we’re talking about the way each person uses their time throughout the day, week, and year to plan, make decisions, create, collaborate, and communicate to get their work done.
With a clear roadmap and the processes to create this type of work culture, each member of your team knows how to perform at their highest level, and can evolve over time both technically and attitudinally. What’s more, you and your managers will learn how to or improve how you respond with skill and confidence when individuals don’t meet the mark.
With commitment to this work, and involvement at every level of the organization, your staff can be more collaborative, more effective, and ultimately more fulfilled. When you model your expectations and cultivate this kind of environment through your own behavior, your business will flourish in surprising, new ways.
During the Managing Culture training and coaching program, leaders will gain or expand on critical leadership skills, and work together to implement an authentic and productive company culture upgrade.
Each year your company participates in the program, with each new training module and Nina’s support, you’ll gain more understanding of the path to scaling your culture, and more proficiency with the process, while you feel good about the work life you are creating for everyone.
Nina will give you always-evolving done-for-you resources, and she’ll guide you to personalize these supporting materials for your business. This will help you streamline your hiring, training, and supervision processes and give you the confidence you crave, knowing that you are leveraging these critical parts of management in your business. As you practice and learn these new skills, you’ll get real-time coaching and support.
The program will culminate in the development or deepening of the philosophy, systems, and leadership qualities that support your ideal culture.
Begin or continue this valuable work at the start of 2025, immersed in taking your business to the next level.
Training Overview
Session 1: The map to a holistic culture shift and Behavior and Attitudes Values and standards.
- Learn what ‘business culture’ really is and why it is important to understand.
- Understand the components of an ideal culture and learn how Behavior and Attitudes Values and standards, i.e. Culture Values, can be used as the basis for hiring, training, and supervision in your company.
- Discover a holistic approach and system to develop a more safe, productive, and fulfilling work culture.
- Consider how your various policies and practices support or get in the way of the culture you want.
Session 2: Feedback and Supervision
- Discover the most essential components of excellent supervision.
- Understand the importance of being an inspiring and equitable manager.
- Learn the significance of your own growth journey as a model for others’ growth and learn how asking for feedback is a key component in the process.
- Find out how acceptance, compassion, and humility facilitate your growth, your team members’, and the company’s.
- Learn how to deliver inspiring formal and informal feedback, and how to support people’s meaningful, lasting growth.
Session 3: Performance Reviews, Adding Responsibility , and Letting People Go
- Learn how to write and deliver impactful performance reviews.
- Understand how to use your Behavior and Attitudes Values and standards, i.e. Culture Values Guide, to decide when to reward and promote people, and when and how to let people go (not the legal, rather the decision-making and internal processes).
- Learn a process for helping employees improve or letting them go when their performance is not up to the standards needed for the role (not the legal, rather the decision-making and internal processes).
Hiring Workshop
- Consider how diversity plays a role in your business and how to create a more diverse team.
- Discover the most revealing, useful questions to ask–and not ask–during an interview.
- Create your hiring plan to be used for every new hire.
- Learn how to select the people most likely to be a culture match for your company.
Training Workshop
- Understand how your training program or lack of training has been getting in the way of cultivating a successful culture.
- Learn how to create a training program that emphasizes the equal importance of both technical and attitudinal skills, behaviors and work.
- Get clarity on how to onboard people more efficiently and consistently.
- Discover how ongoing training, support, and development opportunities helps you retain great employees.
Coaching Overview
Through the Managing Culture training sessions and workshops, leaders will learn a smart, proven system for scaling your full team’s capacity. Leaders will find out what is possible in your business and will start to implement some of your new tools and skills.
While implementing all that they’ve learned, leaders will go even further faster by deepening their understanding and taking action on aspects of the holistic system, and truly acquiring the leadership and communication skills that go along with evolving your culture.
The fastest way to the biggest results is to apply what you’ve learned, and in the process, get laser-focused coaching in real-time. This helps you to gain a deeper understanding and to leverage each of the powerful tools you learn, with guidance as you go. We want to build on our foundation with consistent practice and an expert feedback loop in order to efficiently grow the skills you are excited to develop. This is how to take your culture to the next level and produce sustainable results.
You’re not alone. Though sometimes you feel like you are as you work hard every day to respond to immediate needs, deal with fires, and feel afraid to let any of it go because you worry that no one will do it as well as you. That’s where the Managing Culture Coaching comes in.
The way people learn in a group experience can create the motivation and determination to get far beyond where you might get on our own. Working within this community includes a healthy dose of fun accountability to stick to your culture goals and transform your typically unnoticed wins into group celebrations and added pride and confidence.
Starting in March 2025, for 6 months, Nina will be working with you and / or all participating leaders, with up to a total of five people, to provide the coaching, community, and accountability needed to take each of your skills to the next level.
Throughout the Leadership Coaching portion of the program:
- Discover more about how to develop a sustainable culture of learning, feedback, and growth.
- Work on meaningful company goals for evolving your culture.
- Practice new communication and feedback skills.
- Report on progress and bring real feedback and supervision issues and questions to group coaching sessions, and get real-time answers, feedback, and coaching from Nina within the group environment.
- Receive small, steady doses of relevant micro–training delivered right when you need it, based on what comes up within the group through the 6 months of Coaching.
Starting in September 2025, for 3 months, Nina will be working with 2 people from each business to set up and practice facilitating Managing Culture within your business.
Throughout the Management Coaching portion of the program:
- Learn how to hold and facilitate the higher level Managing Culture company goals.
- Gain and practice meeting facilitation and collaboration skills.
- Report on progress and bring real hiring, training, supervision, and holistic culture questions and issues to group meetings and getting real-time answers, feedback, and coaching from Nina within the group environment.
- Receive small, steady doses of relevant micro–training delivered right when you need it, based on what comes up within the group through the 3 months of Coaching.
Over the course of 9 months* you will work toward your company’s priorities, which may include:
- Implementing or improving upon a cohesive system for setting expectations, hiring, training, supervising, and tending to your overall holistic culture.
- Implementing or improving upon a supervision structure that will allow you to support high-quality performance, inspire ongoing professional growth, and make promotion decisions–and/or decisions to let people go–more consistently and equitably.
- Practicing authentic and impactful supervision techniques.
- Applying the holistic, organization-wide approach, practices, and systems for maintaining the work and team culture you desire.
*Note: Exact results depend on your learning and growth capacity, commitment to, and follow-through on all parts of the Managing Culture approach.
The Managing Culture Coaching is designed to support massive culture evolution using the benefits of coaching and group experience combined, from wherever you are now to your next level and beyond.
Because every person’s participation in the program will affect the rest, program requirements have been designed to make sure that each participant understands their role in their own success as well as the success of the group.
Through a commitment to both 1) showing up on time, ready, and engaged for Managing Culture Coaching meetings and 2) taking action between group meetings, each business will set its own relevant goals and incrementally evolve their work culture all year long.
We will also stay connected through an online, private community space. This will be a place to ask questions, share resources, celebrate wins, and give and get support throughout the entire program.
Training Schedule
All participants will attend three live, online training sessions where Nina will give you practical ways to start building skills by applying the new topics to your business.
Session 1 – Tue, Jan 28, 2025, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM PT
Session 2 – Wed, Feb 11, 2025, 9:30 AM – 1:30PM PT
Session 3 – Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 9:30 AM – 1:30PM PT
Participants who hire for your company or train for your company may attend the following training sessions. There will be a 30-minute video to watch before each Workshop.
Hiring Workshop – April date TBD, 9:30 AM – 2:45 PM PT
Training Workshop – August date TBD, 9:30 AM – 2:45 PM PT
Coaching Schedule
We’ll begin group coaching every three weeks, starting in March 2025 after you complete the three training sessions:
- For 6 months (March through August), all trained leaders will meet together with Nina online for 90 minutes, every three weeks to deepen your learning and leadership skills. You’ll receive practical training and coaching based on you implementing the tools and processes in your business between Coaching sessions.
- For 3 months (September through November), 1-2 leaders per business will meet together with Nina online for 90 minutes, every three weeks to deepen your culture, meeting, and collaboration facilitation skills. You’ll receive practical training and coaching based on you implementing the tools and processes in your business between Coaching sessions.
- Business owners will meet with Nina individually for (3) one hour coaching sessions, anytime during the program
*Hiring and Training Workshop dates as well as Coaching dates will be finalized in February 2025.
Who participates: Select up to 5 leaders in your business who hire or manage people, or who will hire or manage people within the next 12 months, or who are a needed role model in the business. This may include e.g. business owners, executive directors, managers, team leaders, high-level staff who don’t manage but who influence the team (e.g. regular project leaders, trainers), etc. This includes one legacy leader who will facilitate this group.
Course location: Online on Zoom
Course support between training days: Online on Slack
Technical and physical requirements: It is best if each participant has their own device to log onto Zoom on video, is comfortable using Zoom including typing in chat, is comfortable downloading and using Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sheets. No prior experience with Slack necessary. Contact Nina with any questions about the requirements.
Required participant agreements
To respect and honor all participants (yourself included), each participant from your company’s commitment to the following is required:
- Attendance at all designated training sessions.
- Attendance at all monthly coaching sessions. Dates for monthly sessions will be announced in February 2025.
- If a session must be missed, you’ll get notes from a co-leader and stay caught up on group agreements. In some cases, you’ll watch the video of the missed class.
- We understand that last-minute life emergencies come up. To honor you and the group, if more than two sessions must be missed by any individual, your business or the individual may be withdrawn from the Managing Culture program.
- At least (1) meeting within your business with all program participants between each program meeting.
- Participating actively in our program sessions. This includes being on time, on camera, and mentally present, following guidance to engage and participate through the chat box in Zoom and out loud during discussions, asking questions, and adding comments.
- Respect for and no judgement of others in the group. Support for each group member’s growth.
- Confidentiality, meaning not sharing with anyone: Any content shared by Nina or group members in our sessions, or any information about any person or business in the group.
- Open to and interested in direct and compassionate individual and business coaching within the group setting.
- Commitment to not judging yourself and to support your own ambitious growth. Willingness to be coached in the group environment if you find yourself struggling to not self-judge. Self-judgement and unintended self-sabotage is common. Your willingness and openness to being coached and to learning is what’s important in this program.
- Commitment to putting in the time and focus needed to evolve your culture with guidance.
The Managing Culture Program is a great match for you and all participants from your organization if you:
- Have at least two employees and up to ~100.
- Are excited about the holistic Managing Culture system, and want to apply the principles and processes with skill.
- Want to understand what is holding you back professionally and what is holding back your culture, and want to evolve those parts of yourself, your leadership team, and your business.
- Understand that authentic business culture is a long-game endeavor, and with earnest, consistent effort, results can be game-changing both individually, and collectively for the business.
1 Participant from one company
12 monthly payments, January 2025 through December 2025:
*15% off after year one. 30% off when combined with other yearlong, $15K or more coaching program(s).
Introductory Call with your organization’s participating team: 1-hour call before the first training session to meet Nina, ask questions, and learn how to prepare.
Full program: Training, coaching, access to support through Slack, and all materials over 11 months of program.
2- 3 Participants from one company
12 monthly payments, January 2025 through December 2025:
*15% off after year one. 30% off when combined with other yearlong, $15K or more coaching program(s).
Introductory Call with your organization’s participating team: 1-hour call before the first training session to meet Nina, ask questions, and learn how to prepare.
Full program: Training, coaching, access to support through Slack, and all materials over 11 months of program.
4-5 Participants from one company
12 monthly payments, January 2025 through December 2025:
*15% off after year one. 30% off when combined with other yearlong, $15K or more coaching program(s).
Introductory Call with your organization’s participating team: 1-hour call before the first training session to meet Nina, ask questions, and learn how to prepare.
Full program: Training, coaching, access to support through Slack, and all materials over 11 months of program.
Are you ready?
Email Nina Kaufman at to register. Space is limited, so reach out to secure your spot.